Mike Calvo
- Java
- Groovy
- Gradle
- Spring
- Source Code Control
Java SDK
- Groovy is a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) language
- Java SDK required
- Download available from Oracle
- Look for Java SE Downloads
- Be sure to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable
- Add $JAVA_HOME/bin to your path
^ Google Java SE Downloads and show them the links
- Helps manage version of sdk and dev tools
- Groovy
- Gradle
- Spring
- Install sdkman on Mac/Linux:
$ curl -s | bash
Install Groovy and Spring
- Install Groovy, Gradle and Spring:
$ sdk install groovy
$ sdk install gradle
$ sdk install springboot
- Confirm:
$ sdk current
$ groovy -version
$ gradle -version
$ spring --version
- Groovy Console
- Handy interactive debugging tool
$ groovyConsole
- Open source build system
- Build file written in Groovy
- Based on concepts from earlier build tools
- Ant and Maven
- Has become de facto build system for JVM projects
Gradle Functions
- Dependency management
- Plugin model
- Core tasks for typical build steps
- Compile
- Copy and transform files
- Run tests
- Create Archives
SpringBoot CLI
- Use the SpringBoot CLI to:
- Create a new project
- Build your project
IDE Options
- Strongly recommend IntelliJ IDEA
- Best Java and Groovy support
- Normally $249 developer license
- Free license
Other options
- SpringSource Tool Suite (Eclipse)
- Net Beans
- Plain ‘Ol Text Editor
- Atom
- Sublime
- TextMate
Source Code Control
- Working in a team you will need to share code with each other
- This course requires submission of projections using Git
- Installing Git
- Mac: Install Xcode Command Line Tools
- Windows: Download Windows Git installer
- Linux:
$ yum install git
Git Tools
- Command line
- IntelliJ
- Tower (Mac)
- SourceTree (Mac/Windows)
Git Recommendations
- Get comfortable with the command line
- Commit often
- Work in branches
- Tag your releases/submissions
Free Git Hosting Options
- GitHub
- Bitbucket
- CloudForge
- Assembla
- Kiln
Recommendations for this week
- Get your local development environment setup today
- Select your git host and create a project