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Testing Overview
MSSE 2017
Basic Concept
- Write code to verify system
- Automatable
- Multiple levels:
- Unit
- Integration
- Functional
- Smoke/End-to-end
- Code not done until tested
- Find mistakes sooner
- Refactor without regression
- Can help improve design
- Many, many more…
Testing strategies
- TLD (Test last development)
- TDD (Test driven development)
- BDD (Behavior driven development)
- Most important feature to have quality code coverage
- Help isolate code under test
- Replace system component or external system with a fake
- Provide expected responses or exceptions
- Can be used to verify call sequences
Unit Testing
- Tests at the class or method level
- External system components are mocked out
- Fastest to run
Integration Testing
- Purpose: Tests the interaction of system components
- Can often include testing of
- Data Access
- Dependency injection
Functional Testing
- Purpose: Test a complete functional unit of a system
- System is deployed and invoked in a running environment
- Mock out external systems
Smoke Testing
- Purpose: major functions of the system are operational
- Tests end-to-end functionality
- Including integrations with external systems
- Can be used to verify a deployment
Code Coverage
- Metrics on how much of your code is covered by your tests
- Tools can instrument your code to monitor line coverage
- Intellij provides it
- Many opinons on good coverage percentage
- Popular test coverage tool
- Provides coverage reports on every build (build/reports/jacoco)
Add to build.gradle:
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
check.dependsOn jacocoTestReport
Unit Testing Frameworks
- Provide test and assertion classes
- Test run harness
- Provide pass/failure reporting functionality
- Exist for all platforms
- Objective C, .NET, Java, Javascript, etc
- Created by Kent Beck (original founder of Agile)
- Oldest, most-widely used Java unit test framework
- Uses approach of annotating classes and methods to mark as tests
- Great integration with most Java IDEs
- Cover edge cases and pathological situations
- When a bug is found, write a test that exposes it
- Cleanup system (data, files) after test completes
- Tests should pass if run in any order
- Favor black-box tests
- Always have functional tests
- Use print statements in tests as verification
- Ignore tests that fail intermittently
- Assume environment has been setup externally
- Test setup should put system into proper state