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Spring Services
Mike Calvo
- Annotate a method that returns an instance of a bean that will be available to other Spring components
- Bean is the Java term for component
- Replaces XML configuration for Spring
- Put them into
Example Bean
class AppConfig {
TransferService transferService() {
return new TransferServiceImpl()
Bean Dependencies
- Pass them to the creator method and Spring will inject them
class AppConfig {
TransferService transferService(AccountRepository accountRepository) {
return new TransferServiceImpl(accountRepository)
Bean Lifecycle Events
- Annotate class methods with
- Implement bean lifecycle interface:
- InitializingBean, DisposableBean, Lifecycle
- Implement Spring lifecycle interface:
- BeanFactoryAware, BeanNameAware, MessageSourceAware, ApplicationContextAware
- Specify custom methods in
init-method or destroy-method properties
Example Lifecycle implementation
public class Foo {
public void init() {
// initialization logic
public class Bar {
public void cleanup() {
// destruction logic
public class AppConfig {
@Bean(initMethod = "init")
public Foo foo() {
return new Foo();
@Bean(destroyMethod = "cleanup")
public Bar bar() {
return new Bar();
Bean Scope
- Recipe for creating instances of a bean
- singleton: one instance per application
- prototype: bean created for each instance required
- request: bean created for each HTTP request
- session: bean created for HTTP session
- globalSession: portlets (don’t use)
- application: servlet context
- websocket
class MyConfiguration {
Encryptor encryptor() {
// ...
Spring Components
- Declare a class as a component and it will be auto-scanned and detected
- Creation of instance is handled by Spring
- Several types based on function
- Controller, Repository, Service
Service Layer
- Transactional
- Business Logic
- Typically has no state
- Spring service layer stereotype component
- Typically inject Repositories into
- Handle coarse-grained functions
Spring Transactional Support
- Declarative
- Mark your class or method with
- Commits happen automatically on success
- Rollbacks happen automatically on exception
- Mark your class or method with
- Programmatic
- Helper classes to simplify transaction functionality
Programmatic Transactions
- PlatformTransactionManager
- Based on type of transaction in systems
- Inspect transaction status
- Manually commit or rollback
- TransactionTemplate
- Simplified access to JTA APIs
Example Service
class ArtistService {
ArtistRepository artistRepository
Artist findOrCreateArtist(String name) {
def artist = artistRepository.findByName(name)
if (!artist) {
artist = Artist(name: name))
return artist
Example Service (Programmatic)
class ArtistService {
ArtistRepository artistRepository
PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager
TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate
Artist findOrCreateArtist(String name) {
transactionTemplate.execute {
def artist = artistRepository.findByName(name)
if (!artist) {
artist = Artist(name: name))
return artist
Benefits of Services
- Part of a tiered architectural model
- Home for business logic
- Declarative transactions simplify transactional logic