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Web Services / Spring Boot Intro
Adam Keyser
- Spring Overview
- Spring Boot basics
- Testing
- Spock testing framework
- One of the popular Java frameworks
- Foundation of Spring Boot
- First release 2002 - 1.0 in 2004
- Maintained by Pivotal Software
Spring - Goals
- Dependency injection
- Decoupling
- Reduces boilerplate
- Testability
- Initially xml (Still possible)
- Annotations
- Move to automation of redundancy(Spring Boot)
How it works
- Classpath scanning
- Create objects with defined annotations
- Objects are placed into container (Application Context)
- Servlet tie in to Application Context (Web Application Context)
Spring Bean lifetime types
- Prototype (new instance)
- Singleton (only one instance)
- When in doubt, Singleton
Spring Bean Stereotypes
- @Component - Generic
- @Repository - Data Access
- @Service - Service Layer
- @Controller - Controller Layer
Popular Spring Add-Ons
- Spring MVC
- Spring Security
- Spring Data
- Spring Rest
- Spring Cloud
Spring Boot
Guiding Philosophy:
- Opinionated patterns to solve common issues
- Start out with a defined pattern of doing things
- Get out of the way quickly when things get more complicated
Convention over configuration
- Framework handles common decision making patterns
- Domain classes map to table names by default
- Project folder structure constant through projects
- Reduce decision making without losing flexibility
Key components
- Spring Boot Starters
- Spring Boot Auto Configurator
- Spring Boot CLI
- Spring Boot Actuator
Spring Boot Isn’t
- Application server
- Specification implementation
- Code generator
Grouping of popular, battle tested frameworks
- Gradle or Maven for building
- Spring for dependency management/configuration
- JPA (Java Persistence API) for Data Access
Included servlet container for running applications
- Embedded in your built JAR
- Tomcat by default, can be swapped out
- Fully tunable and configurable
Spring Boot Internals
- @SpringBootApplication is comprised of:
- @ComponentScan
- @EnableAutoConfiguartion
- @Configuration
Spring Boot starter modules
Spring provides starter modules for getting up and running quickly
Spring CLI
- Command line interface for managing spring projects
- Powerful: Can create, run, and modify projects
- CLI Documentation
Installing the Spring Boot CLI
> curl -s "" | bash
> sdk install springboot
Test it out
> spring --version
class HelloController {
def hello(@PathVariable String name) {
return [greeting: "Hello, " + name + "!" ]
- Run it
> spring run HelloController.groovy
Creating Spring Boot projects
Many ways to start a spring project
- Spring CLI
> spring init --dependencies=web,data-jpa --build gradle --language groovy my-project
- Spring Initializer
Creating Spring Boot projects (IntelliJ)
- IntelliJ IDEA integration (Non-CE)
- Spring Initializer from new project
- CE IntelliJ Steps
- Create project using Initializer
- Import project into IntelliJ
Building Spring Boot
- Groovy-based build system
- root_project_folder/build.gradle
- Repositories: where Gradle looks for dependencies
- Plugins: extensions to Gradle
- Dependencies: libraries your app requires
Configuration files
- For gradle properties
- settings.gradle For other modules within a project
Dependency Management
- Declare the creator, library and version for any dependency
- Uses Maven style dependency management:
scope creator:library:version
- example:
runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.29'
- Repositories section provides the ability to add custom dependency sources
Maven Scopes
- compile: default scope, available in all classpaths of project
- provided: expect the JDK or a container to provide it
- runtime: not required at compile time
- test: required for running and compiling tests only
- system: similar to provided, but must be explicitly given. uncommon.
Using Gradle
- Always use
“the wrapper” - Command Options
- build (builds and tests the project)
- test (only run tests)
- clean (remove all class files)
- tasks (see all available tasks)
- ex.
./gradlew clean build