HTML and CSS Overview
Mike Calvo
- Document markup language
- Defines:
- Document Structure
- Linking
- Layout
- Formatting
- User Input
XML Syntax
- Element:
<p id="description">My Paragraph</p>
- Tag: p
- Attribute: id
Basic Document Structure
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- This is a comment -->
<!-- The stuff in the head is meta data -->
<!-- Stuff you want to display has to go here -->
HTML Document Structure
- p: Paragraph
- div: Division Block (container of containers)
- span: Inline Text
HTML Escaping
- Characters used to define HTML need to be escaped
- <
- >
- &
- '
- Generically:
- Elements that render UI controls
- INPUT tag: text fields, text areas, checkbox
- SELECT tag: dropdown
- BUTTON tag: buttons, radios
- FORM tag: bundles inputs and defines POST/PUT
HTML Rendering Engines
- Implementations of the HTML Specification
- Webkit - Apple (Safari, Chrome < 28)
- Blink - Google (Chome > 28)
- Gecko - Mozilla (Firefox)
- Trident - Microsoft (IE)
- Big additions to HTML
- Media Support (movie and audio)
- Direct Render 2D Graphics (canvas)
- Dynamic Functionality (dialog and details)
- Structure (header, footer, main, section)
HTML 5 Support
- Great features
- Not available on older browsers (mainly IE 8 and below)
- Can impact internal apps
- Corporate IT likes to standardize on stable (nee old) browsers
HTML Tables
- Organize table-driven data
- TABLE element contains:
- Heading: THEAD
- Body: TBODY
- Heading and Body contains Rows: TR
- Rows contain Data: TD (columns)
When To Use Tables
- Tables have come in and out of fashion
- Tables are great for tabular data
- Tables should be avoided for general layout purposes
- Styling tags:
- B (bold), I (italic), U (underline), CENTER
- Old remnants of bygone era
- Styling and formatting (other than tables) should be done with CSS
- Cascading style sheets
- Declarative styling of HTML
- Based on selectors
- ‘Selecting’ the elements the style applies to
- Vast array of styling features
- A file containing styling directions
- Series of selectors and corresponding style declarations
- Each declaration is a collection of property, value pairs
Example Stylesheet
CSS Selectors
- by tag: just the tag name
- by id:
- by class: .className (class attribute)
Class attribute
- Applies CSS style classes to element
- Single value or space-separated list
Decendent Selectors
- CSS supports specifying nesting of selectors
- Seperate selector components with spaces
- Example: ‘all paragraphs with class error within a div’:
div p .error { ... }
More Specific Decendents
Attribute Selectors
- Has an attribute:
- Has an attribute with specific value:
- Has an attribute containing:
- Has an attribute starting with:
- Has an attribute with regex match:
- Has an attribute with a list of values that contains:
Pseudo selectors
- Special qualifications that apply styles based on behaviors
- Append a ‘:’ to the selector followed by name
- Pseudo elements: qualify specifics about children
- Append a ‘::’ to the selector by name
Pseudo Examples
- checked (
option:checked { color: red; }
- hover (
.info:hover { font-weight: bold; }
- visited and link
- before and after
- not (
div:(#container) { color: 'blue'; }
More Pseudo Examples
- first-child
- last-child
- nth-child(n)
- nth-last-child(n)
- nth-of-type(n) : only grab elements matching type before :
Pseudo Element Examples
- first-line (p::first-line)
- first-letter (p::first-letter { font-family:cursive; })
- CSS can appear in other places
- Internal style elements within HTML
- Every HTML element has a style attribute for inline style
Adding CSS Reference To HTML
- Put a reference to stylesheet in HEAD element:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/file">
- Can be relative file or http reference
Style Elements
- Can appear in HEAD or BODY
- Syntax is the same as CSS files
<style>div { color: red; }</style>
- Styles applied in priority order
- Least-specific to most-specific
- Furthest from element to closest
- Browser: External Stylesheet : Internal Style : Inline
- Styles are inherited by document structure
Debugging Styles
- Browser Developer Tools
- Inspect Element
- View Style/CSS Cascade
- See which style is applied and from where
Force a Style
- place !important after property to insure it’s honored
div {
color: red !important;
What Can I Style
- Layout: block, inline, hidden, collapsed, alignment
- Spacing: margin, padding
- Text: color, size, font, weight
- Backgrounds: color, images
- Borders
- Positioning
CSS Positioning
- Control how an element is displayed on the screen
- Control how other elements behave because of the existence of the element
- Normal flow
- Inline (span)
- Block (p, div, table, ul)
- Controlled by ‘display’ property
CSS Position Property
- static - ‘normal position’
- relative - adjust slightly from normal (top, bottom, left, right)
- absolute - put it exactly here (contrained by relative parent)
- float - push the element as far as possible right or left
- clear - reset the float behavior of my siblings for me
CSS Units
- Some properties require a unit to be specified
- px: pixel
- em: size of ‘m’ in current font
- %
- pt: 1/72 of 1 inch
- 0 values do not require units
Shorthand Properties
- Some groups of properties can be set with a single space seperated property
div {
border: 1px black solid; /* sets 12 properties */
padding: 5px; /* sets top right, bottom, left */
margin: 1px 5px 1px 0; /* top, right, bottom, left */
background: white url(foo.gif) no-repeat top right; /* sets 4 properties */
font: italic bold .8em 1.2 Arial;
- Major release for modern, interactive web apps
- Color support: HSL and RGBA
- Text effects: show, overlap, word-wrap
- Web Fonts
- Backgrounds - multiple backgrounds
- Transitions and animations
- Media Queries
- Control what media or devices a style sheet block applies to
- Media can be print, tv, screen, speech or all
- Media features that can be specified include
- width and height
- orientation
- resolution
- aspect-ratio
@media (max-width: 600px) {
.sidebar {
display: none;
@media (min-width: 700px) and (orientation: landscape) {
@media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 1/1) {