UI Testing
Marc Kapke
UI Tests
- UI tests perform end-to-end verification
- UI tests perform this verification
- Server is running
- Verifies the results against actual HTML and JavaScript runner
- Browser automation tools and frameworks
- Automate running web applications
- Primarily used for testing
- Web-based administration tasks
Selenium WebDriver
- Language-specific bindings to drive a browser
- Desktop browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari
- Mobile browsers: Android
- Headless: PhantomJS, HtmlUnit
Example Selenium Test
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
assert driver.findElement(By.id('bandNameHeading')).getText() == 'U2';
- Geb is a Groovy-based browser testing framework
- Groovy layer built on top of Selenium WebDriver
- Multiple web drivers exist (Chrome, Firefox, PhantomJS)
- Content DSL
assert title == 'Nyt Viewer!'
- jQuery style content inspection model:
Geb DSL Example
import geb.Browser
Browser.drive {
go "http://google.com/ncr"
assert title == "Google"
$("input", name: "q").value("wikipedia")
waitFor { title.endsWith("Google Search") }
def firstLink = $("li.g", 0).find("a.l")
assert firstLink.text() == "Wikipedia"
waitFor { title == "Wikipedia" }
More Geb Details
- Geb works with both JUnit and Spock
- Geb tests are running outside Spring Boot app
- Provides jQuery style element lookup within Groovy
Page Object Pattern
- Geb encourages a page-oriented approach
- Define Page objects that represent the key interaction elements of a page
- Pages are placed, by convention, in a sub-package called pages
- The test or specification tells the driver to navigate to a page
- Elements exposed by Page are available to the test or spec
Benefits of Page Object Pattern
- All page-specific details are contained in the page Object
- Create logical representations of the page that remain more consistent than DOM
- Many tests can reuse common page definitions
- Entry point to Geb is
- Connects
to current page
Browser drive()
enables browser scripting
- closure param evaluates against browser instance
- navigate with
- use
to interact with content
Browser.drive {
go "http://google.com"
assert $("h1").text() == "Google"
Interacting with Content
is access point to current page content
- function has 3 params - all are optional
$(«css selector», «index or range», «attribute / text matchers»)
- Matchers returns
CSS selector matching
- Any CSS selector the WebDriver supports is valid
- Most CSS 3 selectors supported
- CSS3 Selectors
CSS selector syntax
- element:
- class:
or h1.some-class
- id:
- Advanced:
$('div.some-class p:first-child[title^="someth"]')
Index Matching
- A single positive integer or integer range will restrict Matching
- First paragraph element:
$("p", 0)
- 3rd paragraph element:
$("p", 2)
Attribute Matching
- Match based on attributes defined on an element
- Can provide multiple attributes to narrow matching
- Find left aligned paragraph element:
$("p", align: "left")
- Find paragraph matching two attributes:
$("p", align: "left", attr2: "foo")
Text matching
- The attribute value text with match against the node’s text.
- Find paragraph with text
: $("p", text: "foo")
Text/Attribute Pattern matchers
- Multiple pattern methods available
- startsWith, contains, endsWith
- case insensitive versions prefixed with
: iStartsWith
RegEx Pattern matchers
- RegEx pattern matching available
- Paragraph with text that tarts with
: $("p", text: ~/p./)
Content Matching example
$("h1", 2, class: "heading")
- Find the 3rd
element with class attribute equal to heading.
- Result of a content match
- JQuery DOM traversal interface
- Traverse DOM with
, next()
, parent()
, etc..
- Provides iterator, find, filter, etc…
- determines visibility of element
Element interaction
- Navigator object provides element interaction
- executes mouse click on that element
- Send keystrokes to a specific element
- Set form control values
Element interaction
- Click:
- Send keys:
$("input") << "foo"
- Send special keys:
$("input") << Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "c")
- Get value of input:
Select Control
<select id="artist">
<option value="1">Jethro Tull</option>
<option value="2">Abba</option>
<label>Search this site</label>
<input type="radio" id="site-current" name="site" value="current">
<label>Search Google</label><input type="radio" name="site" value="google">
$("#site-current") = "google"
<input type="checkbox" name="pet" value="dog" />
Text input
<input type="text" name="language"/>
<input type="text" name="description"/>
$("form").language = "groovy"
$("form").description = "dynamic lang"
- Page usually defines url to be used for navigation
- Provides
checker that defines when browser has reached page
- Browser
and via()
navigate to page instance
- Browser instance holds reference to current page
Page Example
class SignupPage extends Page {
static url = "signup"
static at = {
$("h1").text() == "Signup Page"
Browser.drive {
to SignupPage
Page Content DSL
- static closure property called content
- define key page elements within content closure
- use Matching functions
to reference elements
class PageWithDiv extends Page {
static content = {
theDiv { $('div', id: 'a') }
Page at
- Page can define a check that the browser is actually at page.
- Static
closure - returns true if at page, false if not
class PageWithAtChecker extends Page {
static at = { $("h1").text() == "Example" }
Page Url
- Page can define url via static url property.
- This url will be used when navigating
Configuring Geb
- Geb needs to know which test drivers to use
- Create a file called GebConfig.groovy in the root of tests/functional
- Define one or more configurations
- Type of drivers
- Browser size, behaviors, etc
Simple GebConfig.groovy
// Location where Geb saves the screenshots and HTML dumps at the end of each test
reportsDir = 'build/test-reports'
//implicitly wrap at call with waitFor
atCheckWaiting = true
// Run tests in Firefox by default
driver = {
new FirefoxDriver()
dependencies {
testCompile "org.gebish:geb-spock:1.1.1"
testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver:3.3.1"
testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-chrome-driver:3.3.2"
testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-support:3.3.1"
// Automatic Selenium driver manager
testCompile("io.github.bonigarcia:webdrivermanager:1.5.0") {
exclude group: 'org.seleniumhq.selenium'
Functional Test Setup
- Functional tests will likely require data to complete
- Each functional test should setup their own data
- Functional tests execute outside the Spring Boot app
Exmaple Get Article Detail Page
class ArticleDetailPage extends Page {
static at = {
title == 'articel detail'
static content = {
id { $("#id") }
name { $("#name") }
Example Geb Functional Test
class ArticleDetailFunctionalSpec extends BaseGebSpec {
// setup code...
def "view Article"() {
ArticleDetailPage expected = to new ArticleDetailPage(categoryPathParam: "candy", timePathParam: "8", idPathParam: "123")
expected.articleAbstract == "very abstract"
expected.articleTitle == "foo"
expected.articleByline == "candy"
expected.articleImage.attr("alt") == "wahoo!"
Spring Boot / Angular Geb Tests
- Launch the Spring Boot server first
- Runs all tests in tests/functional
- Use
annotation to start server
- Extend
- Configure Geb browser base Url to point at running server
More on Geb
- Interact with JavaScript
- Interact with HTML form elements
- Test file downloading
- Much more: