Twitter Bootstrap
Mike Calvo
What Is Bootstrap
- Responsive HTML, CSS and JS Framework
- Includes CSS designed to look good on variety of platforms
- Makes use of CSS Media Queries
Bootstrap Page Requirements
- Include jQuery library before Bootstrap
- Set the viewport:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
- Include the bootstrap css AND js files
- Download from
Mobile Friendly
- The viewport ensures property rendering and touch zooming
- Disabling zooming can make the site feel more like an app:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
Bootstrap Grid System
- 12 columns wide
- Scales when the device/viewport size grows and shrinks
- Columns wrap to rows at the appropriate time
- Grid system requires a container
<div class=container>...</div>
<div class="container-fluid">...</div>
Use Bootstrap Classes to Control Grid
- .row - define a new row
- .col-xs-[colspan] : phones
- .col-sm-[colspan] : tablets
- .col-md-[colspan] : desktop (992px)
- .col-lg-[colspan] : desktop (1200px)
Examples of Grid System
- Classes allow providing blank spaces between columns
- .col-xs-[cols]
- .col-sm-[cols]
- .col-md-[cols]
- .col-lg-[cols]
Beautiful CSS
- Styling for semantic elements (Headings, paragraphs, emphasize, small ,etc)
- Alignment classes: text-left, text-center, text-right
Code blocks:
<code>, <kbd>, <var>
- Tables - row seperators, nice headers, striped rows, borders, hover
- Forms - clean labels, inline forms, placeholders, horizontal forms, validation
- Glyphs - icons
- Button groups
- Dropdown buttons
- Tabs
- Breadcrumbs
- Pagination
Explore Components
- Rich set of interactive controls
- Transition
- Modals
- Dropdowns
- Tooltips
Explore Bootstrap JS
JavaScript Warning
- Be sure to use the Angular UI plugin to get components that play well with Angular