slidenumbers: true
Angular Routing
Marc Kapke
Angular Router
- Enables navigation from one view to the next
- Router maps browser url to corresponding route definition
- Brings browser behavior to Single Page App
Enables SPA Browser behavior
- Interpret URL and navigate to generated view
- Pass parameters to view component.
- Bind links in view to navigate.
- Back/ Forward browser button support
Router configuration
- App should have
<base href="/">
in rootindex.html
- Router has no routes by default - just root.
- Each route maps a URL path to a component.
- Order of routes matter. First one to match wins.
- Register route list into RouterModule
Route path
- relative path - no leading slash
- absolute path - leading slash
- Route path parameters start with
- Example:
Component Map definition
- Define a path.
- Define corresponding component
{path: 'articles/:category/:time', component: ArticleListComponent}
Route data
- Use data property to store data associated with route.
- Accessible from within activated route component.
- Store items like page tile, breadcrumb text, etc…
path: 'articles/:category/:time',
component: ArticleListComponent,
data: {title: 'NYT Articles'}
Handle redirects
- Map to another path instead of a component
- Specify pathMatch scheme.
- full - results in match when the remaining URL matches entirely
- prefix - results in match when remaining URL begins with path
{ path: '', redirectTo: '/articles', pathMatch: 'full' }
Wildcard route
- Define failure case using wildcard route.
- Specified by path of
- When the router finds no matches - routes to this definition
- Define a Page not Found component or redirect to different route
{ path: '**', component: PageNotFoundComponent }
Routes definition
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'articles/:category/:time/:id',
component: ArticleDetailComponent,
resolve: {
article: ArticleDetailResolverService
path: 'articles/:category/:time',
component: ArticleListComponent,
resolve: {
articleList: ArticleListResolverService
path: 'about',
component: AboutComponent
path: '',
redirectTo: 'articles/food/7',
pathMatch: 'full'
{ path: '**', component: PageNotFoundComponent }
Import routes into app
- Can have routes defined in any module
- Route module uses
to import - Sub-modules use
- Export RouterModule so it can be consumed
Root Module example
imports: [
// other imports here
export class AppModule { }
Sub-module Example
imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule],
providers: [ArticleDetailResolverService, ArticleListResolverService]
export class ArticleRoutingModule {
Router outlet
- Directive that marks the spot where router will inject routed component
- Specified with
- Router will inject component immediately after
- Usually
goes in root component template
Named router outlets
- Can have multiple
tags in app - Specify outlet by name in route definition
<router-outlet name="popup"></router-outlet>
path: 'contact',
component: ContactComponent,
outlet: 'popup'
Router navigation
- Use
directive on anchor tags. routerLinkActive
directive helps visually distinguish active route.routerLinkActive
value is a space delimited list of CSS classes -active
for Example<a routerLink="/articles" routerLinkActive="active">Articles</a>
Simple Routable app template
<h1>Nyt Articles</h1>
<a routerLink="/articles" routerLinkActive="active">Articles</a>
<a routerLink="/about" routerLinkActive="active">About</a>
Router Navigation with parameters
- Use component to handle complex Routing
onSelect(artice: Article) {
- ActivatedRoute is injectable service
- Contains all relevant route information
, etc…
Route guards
- Add guards to route configuration to handle:
- Unauthorized Access
- Authenticate first then continue
- Fetch some data prior to displaying target component
- Save or discard pending changes before leaving view
- guard return value dictates router behavior
- If
, navigation process continues - If
, navigation process stops
- If
- can have multiple guards at entry
- defined as Injectable services
Guard types
- mediate navigation to a routeCanActivateChild
- mediate navigation to a child routeCanDeactivate
- mediate navigation away from current routeResolve
- perform route data retrieval before route activationCanLoad
- to mediate navigation to a feature module loaded asynchronously
Example Resolve guard
export class ArticleDetailResolverService implements Resolve<Article>{
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<Article> {
let id = route.params['id'];
let category = route.params['category'];
let time = route.params['time'];
return this.articleService.getArticle(category, time, id).first()
constructor(private articleService: ArticleService) { }
Map Resolver to route
path: 'articles/:category/:time/:id',
component: ArticleDetailComponent,
resolve: {
article: ArticleDetailResolverService
Subscribe to resolved Observable
selector: 'app-article-detail',
templateUrl: 'article-detail.component.html',
styleUrls: ['article-detail.component.css']
export class ArticleDetailComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) {
private article: Article;
ngOnInit() {
.subscribe((data: {article: Article}) => {
this.article = data.article;